How Can You Clean Up Your Digital Footprint

While climate change is a circuitous problem in need of a unified global response, every individual attempt towards edifice a safer futurity is valuable. By making changes to our private lifestyles based on environmental concern, we tin can assist to influence the attitudes and behaviours of those around us in relation to addressing the climate crisis. We can lead by case and assist in sending a bulletin to those in positions of power that we will not represent 'business as usual.' If yous're hesitant to take directly action in the course of joining a climate change protest or organisation, you can help to brand a departure past trying to reduce your own carbon footprint.

man on bike

You lot've probably noticed that the term "carbon footprint" is used a lot when discussing climate change. But what exactly does it mean? A carbon footprint is a way to measure greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gases are gases such as carbon dioxide and methane that trap heat in the atmosphere and thereby contribute profoundly to global warming. A carbon footprint is adamant by the sum of these greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere either directly or indirectly by our deportment (usually in tons per year). This can be applied to individuals, families, companies, events, products and even countries.

Your carbon footprint is measured past your lifestyle and regular activities that effect in greenhouse gas emissions. Some of the most common examples of these lifestyle factors and activities include:

  • Ship use
  • Electricity use
  • Dietary choices
  • Purchasing habits
  • Full general waste

So how can you measure yours?

The process of working out your own carbon footprint has never been easier. You tin can simply admission whatever of the free carbon footprint calculators available online. 1 of the simplest and quickest tin exist plant at

The higher your carbon footprint, the greater your contribution volition be towards global warming and subsequently climatic change.

While direct activeness must exist taken against the biggest global carbon emitters, we would also practice well to consider our own contributions.

By taking individual action to lower our own carbon emissions, we can help to reduce overall consumer demand in these industries. Many individuals making small changes to their daily lives can ship a powerful bulletin that nosotros do non correspond 'business as usual' and demand a alter in electric current practices.

We are currently in a critical stage of human being history where nosotros have the opportunity to change the fate of our planet and secure a improve world for future generations to come up. One of the most firsthand actions y'all can take to limit climatic change is to reduce your own greenhouse gas emissions by lowering your carbon footprint.

Here are 10 simple means that yous can reduce your carbon footprint:

i. Move Your Coin To Make A Difference

Source: Nattanan Kanchanaprat from Pixabay

Did y'all know that the way you choose to spend, salve and invest your coin can make a huge difference when it comes to reducing your carbon footprint? It'south no hush-hush that some of the world's largest banks dearest to use your hard-earned coin to fund the fossil fuel manufacture. In fact, since the 2022 Paris Understanding the world'due south 60 biggest banks accept spent $three.eight trillion on fossil fuels! If yous don't fancy your money existence used for environmental destruction and want to greatly reduce your individual carbon footprint, it'south time to make a change.

How tin I do this?

  • Investigate Your Institution. Is your money existence used for good or evil? Information technology'south time to find out. Caput over to bank.light-green and enter your bank'south name to observe how sustainable your current financial institution is. Don't like what you discover? Then perchance it's time to...
  • Suspension Upwardly With Your Banking concern. Say "It'south not me, it'due south y'all" and get out your depository financial institution behind if you find out that they're fraternising with the enemy. There'due south no need to fear a fallout with your bank when you lot can use the handy tips and free e-mail template available right hither.

Get Green. And so who can yous trust with your money? Luckily, has made the process of choosing a sustainable bank super easy. You tin can compare the ethical banks bachelor in your country and make the move today.

2. Consume more establish foods and less animal foods

a healthy salad

Eating more than establish foods tin can help to reduce your carbon footprint. Photograph past Anna Pelzer on Unsplash

1 of the greatest ways to reduce your carbon footprint begins with what y'all put on your plate every twenty-four hours. This is because the meat and dairy industries are some of the top contributors to global greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, some researchers accept even suggested that these industries may exist the leading crusade of climate change.

So why are farm animals so toxic to the environment? Raising livestock for food produces large amounts of methane - a gas that traps much more than heat than carbon dioxide. This makes information technology particularly dangerous when it comes to global warming. In improver to its impact on the climate, animal agriculture is besides the leading crusade of deforestation. As demand for animal products continues to increase, more country is cleared for livestock. This contributes profoundly to global warming as cutting down trees not only releases stored carbon dioxide into the air but also reduces the Earth's ability to naturally absorb greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

While eating a plant-based diet may reduce your contribution to greenhouse gas emissions by equally much as 73 percent, information technology's important to note that the industrial product of fertilizer to produce plant foods is likewise problematic when it comes to greenhouse gas emissions. This is where regenerative agronomics (a holistic farming approach that focuses on soil health) could be a key solution.

In the meantime, getting more fruits and vegetables into your daily diet is a great manner to both reduce your carbon footprint from current farming methods and ameliorate your health.

How can I do this?

  • If you're not willing to give up meat direct away, a good way to begin is to try meat-free Mondays. By just giving upward meat for one twenty-four hour period of the week, y'all will reduce your carbon footprint by as much every bit 8lbs (iii.6kgs) per 24-hour interval, which is equivalent to not driving for two days. You can also try substituting your favourite meat products with pop found-based alternatives such as Beyond Meat and Incommunicable Foods.
  • Aim to swallow things that are every bit depression equally possible on the food chain. This means eating mostly fruits, vegetables, legumes, beans, nuts, and seeds. This also has the added do good of improving your health.
  • Try replacing one meal a day with a plant-based option. For example, you might choose to have oatmeal for breakfast instead of bacon and eggs. Doing this may aid to reduce your water and carbon footprint past most 25%.

3. Try other modes of send

man on bike

Riding your wheel to work can reduce your environmental impact. Photograph by Snapwire on

An average car produces approximately 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per yr. It does this past called-for fossil fuels such as petrol, which and then produces carbon dioxide from the exhaust pipe. As of 2018, road transport was responsible for at to the lowest degree 17% of global greenhouse gas emissions, according to i study. If you lot're looking to reduce your carbon footprint, considering alternative modes of transport that don't rely on the called-for of fossil fuels will help you to do so.

How can I practice this?

  • If you live fairly close to your workplace, so riding your bike to piece of work is ane of the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint - with the added bonus of improving your wellness.
  • Cull public transport where possible and avoid regular solo automobile trips.
  • Accept advantage of ride-sharing services.
  • Work from home if you are able to do and then.
  • If using your auto less is non an option, consider switching to an electric or hybrid vehicle.

iv. Switch to a low-carbon free energy provider

solar panels

Solar power is a course of depression-carbon energy. Photo by Sungrow EMEA on Unsplash.

Some other keen way to reduce your carbon footprint is to switch your electricity provider to a visitor that uses low-carbon energy. For instance, renewable (or make clean) energy comes from natural sources such every bit sunlight, air current or h2o. This has a much lower carbon footprint than energy that relies on the burning of fossil fuels.

Electricity and heat contributed as much equally 15 billion tons (or thirteen.6 metric tons) of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide in 2016. That number continues to ascent as changes in the climate pb to increased reliance on heating systems and air conditioning.

In lodge to avoid the catastrophic consequences of failing to take action against climate change, information technology is critical that we begin to reduce our reliance on the fossil fuel industry and move to low-carbon energy providers instead.

How can I practise this?

  • Identify whether your current electricity provider has any renewable energy options.
  • If it is possible to practice and so, look into low-carbon energy providers in your local surface area. Ask questions of your new provider to ensure that their service is appropriate for your needs.
  • If renewable energy is not an option, abet for information technology to be introduced into the customs by writing to your local authorities representative or your ability visitor. The process of advancement may differ depending on where you live.

five. Reduce, reuse, and recycle to waste less

smartphone with recycle icon displayed

Reduce, reuse, and recycle items in order to produce less waste. Photo by ready made from Pexels.

Did you know that globally nosotros dump over 2.12 billion tons of waste per year? Co-ordinate to Our Earth In Data, at to the lowest degree 6 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions come from food loss and waste. While this might not seem like a large per centum, it is actually three times the corporeality of emissions that come from international flights. So if you're wondering how to reduce your carbon footprint, cutting downwardly on your waste is a great way to practise it.

How tin can I practise this?

  • Reduce: The more things we buy, the more things nosotros throw away. Think advisedly about your purchases and whether or non they are truly required. You can reduce your food wastage by growing your ain vegetables, composting and buying items in bulk to avoid or reduce unnecessary packaging.
  • Reuse: Utilize reusable items. If you can afford to, choose products with longevity in listen and repair them over time instead of constantly replacing them.
  • Recycle: If you can't reuse or avoid buying an item, and so if information technology is able to exist recycled you should follow your country's guidelines for doing so. Withal, it'south of import to note that much of what you lot recycle can ultimately wind up in the same place every bit regular trash then it's always better to reduce and reuse before this.

six. Rethink your mode choices

wardrobe with clothes

Rethink your fashion choices to reduce your carbon footprint. Photo by Zui Hoang on Unsplash.

The way that article of clothing is currently designed, manufactured, and used results in enormous waste material and pollution. The "fast manner" industry lonely is responsible for around 10 per centum of global greenhouse gas emissions, according to the U.N. You can reduce your carbon footprint, waste product and pollution just past rethinking the way that you buy dress. By reducing the amount of clothing that you buy, only ownership second-hand, or purchasing from eco-friendly companies, you tin assistance to reduce your impact on the surroundings.

How can I practise this?

  • Consider buying 2d-hand apparel or joining a wear bandy grouping. This is a bully way to reduce your environmental touch on while besides saving some coin. If you're worried that buying second-hand dress means yous'll have to sacrifice style, and then popular social shopping apps such as Depop, Poshmark, and Asos Market might just help to ease your mind. Y'all can browse for plenty of trendy clothes and sell your own as well.
  • If y'all can afford to, buy your clothing from companies that are eco-friendly and/or organically certified. Organic vesture made from natural materials such every bit bamboo, hemp, cotton fiber and linen is much better for the environment than clothes made from synthetic materials such as polyester.
  • Research the company commencement to brand sure that they are adhering to eco-friendly practices. Most brands that are environmentally conscious will proudly display their sustainability processes on their website.

vii. Choose energy-efficient appliances

an energy-efficient bulb

LED light bulbs are much more than energy efficient. Image by Daniel Reche from Pixabay.

While choosing a renewable energy provider is the first thing yous should consider when trying to reduce your carbon footprint at home, using free energy efficient appliances can cut your greenhouse gas contributions fifty-fifty further. Free energy efficient appliances are designed to use less energy than standard appliances. They are generally more environmentally friendly and tin can salvage you lot money over time.

How can I do this?

  • If you're not sure where to begin, aim to replace white goods (e.g. refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines) that are more than 20 years quondam with modern energy-efficient alternatives as this will take the most touch on reducing your carbon footprint. For instance, refrigerators now apply 40-60% less free energy than models manufactured before the year 2000. However, if you accept a lot of old appliances at abode, yous might aim to supervene upon them when the cost of repairs amount to more one-half of the toll of a new i.
  • When choosing larger appliances, select those with lower energy ratings if it is possible to practice and then in your country.
  • Cull ceiling fans over air conditioning units where possible.
  • Supervene upon all incandescent light bulbs with LED bulbs.
  • Turn less efficient appliances off at the power outlet when they are non in regular employ as this will reduce your standby ability consumption.

8. Travel less or travel wisely

a train platform

Try taking the train to your next travel destination. Photo by veerasak Piyawatanakul from Pexels.

If you're serious near reducing your carbon footprint, you should rethink the manner that you travel. Planes are one of the most polluting modes of transport, along with cars. This is considering aircraft require a lot of petrol to run efficiently. Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, the aviation industry was predicted to triple its greenhouse gas emissions past 2050. If information technology continues with business as usual following the pandemic, the aviation industry's carbon footprint could continue to grow exponentially if not restricted. By choosing to travel less or more sustainably, you can reduce your carbon footprint.

How tin I practice this?

  • Holiday closer to home. The further y'all travel, the higher your carbon footprint will be. Choosing a holiday destination closer to home allows you to satisfy your urge to explore without the need for a plane ticket. You might even develop a new sense of wonder and appreciation for the country you lot live in.
  • Opt for train travel over airplane travel. You lot can reduce your carbon footprint by as much equally 90 percent by choosing to take the railroad train to your holiday destination.
  • If you must wing, choose a non-end flight. Most of the carbon emissions from fuel are emitted during take-off and landing. Past choosing non-terminate flights, you're eliminating backlog pollution.
  • If y'all're a frequent flyer for piece of work reasons, so advocating for the use of video conferencing engineering science in your identify of work could help to drastically reduce your carbon footprint. Following the ascension of this engineering science during the coronavirus pandemic, now is the perfect time to negotiate remote working or online meeting opportunities.
  • Consider off-setting your carbon emissions when air travel is your only option. Off-setting means compensating for your carbon emissions by funding projects or organisations that reduce carbon emissions in other ways (e.chiliad. planting copse).

9. Refuse the temperature at home

a ceiling fan

Use a ceiling fan where possible to reduce your energy consumption. Image past 관성 정 from Pixabay.

As the climate continues to change, global reliance on air-conditioning systems is expected to triple past 2050. This is worrisome for global warming, as heaters and air conditioners require a lot of electricity to run effectively, which is sourced from fossil fuels. Manufactured cooling systems also release a greenhouse gas known every bit Hydrofluorocarbon (HCF) into the temper, which has a much greater heat-trapping capacity than carbon dioxide. By reevaluating the way that y'all use these systems at home, you can not merely reduce your carbon footprint but as well relieve some money on your energy beak.

How can I practice this?

  • Pass up the rut. Past lowering the heat by merely i˚C, you can save upwardly to 661 lbs (or 300 kgs) of carbon dioxide emissions per year and five-ten% off your energy bill.
  • Use fans instead of air conditioners where available. A fan requires significantly less energy to run effectively than an air conditioner. Alternatively, use energy efficient settings on your air conditioner or use it sparingly.
  • If you have the funds to do so, invest in insulation. Adequate dwelling house insulation can assist in keeping warm air inside your habitation during the colder months and hot air exterior during the warmer months. This can greatly reduce your reliance on heating and cooling systems.
  • Consider replacing older appliances. If your air conditioner or heater is greater than 20 years one-time, it is likely to be much less free energy efficient than current models.

ten. Bring together the rebellion!

an extinction rebellion sign

Photograph by Markus Spiske on Unsplash.

If y'all've made it this far, you're likely to exist serious about reducing your carbon footprint and making a positive change for the time to come of our planet. Climate change is an consequence that requires urgent action and systemic changes to the way that social club currently functions. Time is running out and we are rapidly hurtling towards an unsafe future for all of mankind.

While individual actions are an important part of the boxing against climate change, meaningful progress volition come up from using our collective ability. By joining the global rebellion against the electric current destructive 'business concern as usual' attitude of governments and corporations, you lot tin can help to abet for a safer future for us all.

Though this may not directly reduce your own carbon footprint, it has the potential to make the largest difference in the shortest corporeality of fourth dimension towards preventing farther global warming. And so if you're passionate about making a deviation by reducing your own carbon footprint, why not expand your goals to include advocating for the reduction of the global carbon footprint too?

How tin can I exercise this?

The best thing you can do is to act now and join Extinction Rebellion.

Who are Extinction Rebellion?

We are a global ecology move of concerned citizens who use non-tearing civil disobedience to compel governments to act to accost the climate and ecological crunch. Yous can join our growing community to rebel against the current path of destruction that nosotros are on. If attention a rally is a bit across your comfort zone, in that location's no need to worry, you can assistance in other means such equally altruistic your time, skills, or money to the cause as well.

And then why non start making a departure right now and join the move today?

Go Involved!


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