How to Make Any Pan Non Stick Again

Nothing is more frustrating than having to manus-scrub a pan full of stuck-on nutrient.

Luckily there are several easy, DIY means to make a pan not-stick.

Whether you demand to prepare a stainless steel pan or a cast iron skillet, or your non-stick pans have lost their slipperiness, there'southward a solution waiting for you in this simple guide.

Say bye to frustration and read on to learn the simple steps you need to have to make any type of pan not-stick.

Use the links beneath to navigate this guide:

  • How to Make a Stainless Steel Pan Non-Stick
  • How to Brand a Non-Stick Pan Non-Stick Once again
  • How to Make a Blank Bandage Fe Skillet Non-Stick
  • How to Brand Enameled Bandage Iron Cookware Non-Stick
  • How to Minimize Food Sticking to the Pan While You Cook
  • Last Thoughts

How to Brand a Stainless Steel Pan Non-Stick

how to make a stainless steel pan non-stick

One of the well-nigh common complaints near stainless steel pans is that food sticks.

Why does this happen?

Stainless steel has tiny pores, and when you oestrus the pan, the steel expands, and the pores shrink. Equally the pores shrink, they grip onto the food, causing it to stick.

You can minimize food sticking past preheating the pan to medium, adding the proper amount of oil, and drying proteins, and bringing them to room temperature before cooking.

Nonetheless, in this section, I teach yous another method; one that transforms stainless steel pans into non-stick.

Hither'southward how information technology works.


  • Ane tablespoon of oil/fat with a high smoke indicate (peanut, sesame, avocado, canola, lard)
  • Newspaper towel or cloth
  • Oven paw


  1. Manus wash the pan with soap and warm water and dry thoroughly.
  2. Identify the pan on the stove and turn the heat to loftier.
  3. Heat the pan for a few minutes until it's really hot.
  4. Add 1 tablespoon of oil to the pan.
  5. Quickly spread the oil across the cooking surface with the paper towel. Brand sure the entire surface is covered evenly. Wear an oven mitt or apply tongs to protect your hand.
  6. Once information technology starts smoking, turn off the stove.
  7. Allow the pan cool downwardly completely.
  8. Once you tin can see your reflection in the pan, you'll know it's seasoned. That'south considering the molecules have expanded and the oil has get embedded into the pan's surface. The oil and fat molecules are stuck to the surface of the pan, making it reflective.
  9. Utilize a cloth or newspaper towel to wipe off excess oil from the cooking surface. Now your stainless steel pan is non-stick!

See the process in activity in this quick video.

Tips and Considerations

  • Repeat the seasoning procedure up to three times. The additional layers of seasoning will help prolong the non-stick surface.
  • Instead of an oven paw, yous tin use tongs and a newspaper towel to spread the oil on the hot surface.
  • When cleaning your seasoned pan, use warm water and a soft cloth. Soap and stiff bristle brushes volition remove the seasoning, causing food to stick again.
  • Afterward seasoning, you lot'll still need a tiny bit of butter or oil when cooking.
  • Somewhen, yous will demand to re-flavor the pan when the not-stick layer wears off. It volition usually last five to ten meals.
  • Test out different oils to run across which works best for you. I've institute lard to be the most effective. This Made In Seasoning Wax works well, also.

How to Brand a Non-Stick Pan Non-Stick Over again

how to make a non-stick pan non-stick again

With a new non-stick pan, nutrient slides right off. Just over time, the non-stick blanket wears down and scratches, and, before yous know it, food starts sticking.

Fortunately, there are steps y'all can take to make non-stick pans non-stick again.

Here's what to do.


  • Dish lather
  • Baking soda
  • Soft-bristled brush
  • Dishtowel
  • Vegetable or canola oil
  • Paper towel or cloth


  1. Clean your pan every bit usual with warm soapy water.
  2. Apply well-nigh half a cup of baking soda to the surface. Add a few drops of water to form a thick paste.
  3. Use a soft-bristled brush to scrub the pan for a few minutes. This will clean off whatever build-up.
  4. Once the pan is clean, rinse off the baking soda and dry the pan thoroughly.
  5. Identify the pan on the stove and turn the heat to high.
  6. Oestrus the pan for a few minutes until it'due south actually hot.
  7. Add canola or vegetable over the surface of the pan. Spread it with a clean paper towel. Use tongs or an oven mitt to avoid burning your hand.
  8. Estrus the pan over medium rut for another 1-2 minutes.
  9. Permit it absurd down completely.
  10. Wipe off the excess oil with a cloth or paper towel. At present your pan is non-stick again!

Tips and Considerations

  • If yous've had the pan for many years, or the non-stick surface hasn't improved this procedure, information technology may be fourth dimension to throw information technology out.
  • If the pan is rusty, don't try this method. Rust is a sign that it'due south fourth dimension to replace the pan.
  • If the pan was made or purchased earlier 2013, throw it out. Earlier 2013, pans were made with PFOA, a dangerous chemic linked to many illnesses.
  • Avoid metallic utensils on not-stick surfaces considering they can cause scratches and vesture-and-tear.
  • Keep to utilize butter or oils when cooking. You only need a little, but it's important even if the pan is seasoned.
  • Repeat the seasoning process equally needed.

How to Make a Blank Cast Iron Skillet Non-Stick

how to make a bare cast iron skillet non-stick

Blank bandage iron cookware is super durable with unmatched heat retention.

However, this cookware needs ongoing seasoning and maintenance to get and remain non-stick.

Hither's a simple way to make bare cast iron pans non-stick.


  • Brillo pad
  • Dish lather
  • Dishtowel
  • Vegetable oil or solid shortening
  • Oven
  • Baking tray
  • Aluminum foil
  • Dissever cloth


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Rinse the pan under hot water.
  3. Use some dish soap to a Brillo pad. Gently scrub the interior and exterior of the pan in circular motions.
  4. Rinse with hot h2o.
  5. Dry thoroughly with a dishtowel.
  6. Apply vegetable oil or solid shortening to a clean cloth. Apply it to the entire pan, including the interior and outside.
  7. Put a slice of aluminum foil on top of a baking tray. Place the cast iron skillet upside down on height and put it in the oven for ane-2 hours.
  8. Turn the oven off but don't remove the pan. Allow it absurd down completely in the oven. The heat volition lock in the seasoning.
  9. Wipe excess oil off with a fabric.

Martha Stewart shows you lot how this procedure works in this quick video.

Tips and Considerations

  • Once you've seasoned your bandage iron pan, clean it with hot water and a textile. Soap and abrasive sponges will strip the seasoning and brand the surface sticky over again.
  • Bandage fe volition concluding a lifetime when properly maintained. So season it when necessary. You'll know when to flavor information technology when it starts to vesture down or loses its non-stick power.
  • Always dry your cast atomic number 26 right abroad after rinsing it to avert rusting.
  • Rub a light layer of shortening over the surface before putting the cast iron skillet away.

How to Make Enameled Cast Atomic number 26 Cookware Non-Stick

how to make enameled cookware non-stick

Every bit the name suggests, enameled cast iron pans are made with bandage atomic number 26 that's been coated in a shine, shiny enamel surface.

The enamel makes the cooking surface non-reactive, easier to clean, and stick-resistant, but it doesn't go far non-stick.

If you're looking for something a bit slicker, here's how to transform your enameled cast iron cookware into non-stick.


  • Bar Keepers Friend or Bon Ami (encounter my comparison of the two)
  • Cloth
  • Hot water
  • Dishtowel
  • Wax, such as BuzzyWaxx, or seasoning paste
  • Non-annoying textile


  1. Apply some Bar Keepers Friend to the pan and scrub with a soft sponge to remove build-upwardly.
  2. Rinse with warm water and scrub residue with a cloth.
  3. Dry thoroughly.
  4. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit.
  5. Heat the pan on the stove at low heat for a couple of minutes or until the pan is warm.
  6. Utilize the wax or paste to a not-abrasive fabric and spread it evenly beyond the cooking surface. Make sure it'due south evenly coated.
  7. Place the pan in the oven upside down.
  8. Leave information technology in the oven for 45 minutes. The moisture evaporates from the wax and creates a tight not-stick cease.
  9. Remove the pan.
  10.  If the wax has beaded together while it's still hot, take a tiny bit of oil and spread it over the pan evenly. It will start to fume a bit but don't worry; this step adds a smoother finish.
  11. Echo steps half-dozen to 10 i more fourth dimension.
  12.  Add together one more glaze merely don't put it dorsum in the oven.
  13.  Allow the pan cool completely. The extra layer of wax will dry as the pan cools.
  14.  Wash as normal. Your pan is now non-stick and ready to use!

Desire to see these steps in activeness? This video does a great job walking through this process.

Tips and Considerations

  • Don't season the exterior of the pan. Although you tin can do that with bare bandage iron, you shouldn't do that with enameled cast iron.
  • Scrubbing excessively volition wear down the seasoning. So paw-wash gently.
  • You can apply grapeseed oil instead of wax or paste.
  • Only use Bar Keepers Friend if there is a lot of build-up on your pan. Otherwise, a scrubber and soap will practise the trick.

How to Minimize Food Sticking to the Pan While You Cook

When it comes to making your pans non-stick, seasoning is step one.

Pace two is practicing the proper cooking techniques to maintain the non-stick layer and minimize the chances of food sticking.

Here are my top tips for minimizing food sticking while yous cook:

  • Always make sure the pan is make clean earlier you beginning cooking.
  • Heat the pan before adding oil or butter. Once the pan is hot and well-greased, so add your food.
  • Exercise the h2o examination. One time the pan is heated, add a drop of water. If information technology sizzles and glides, the pan is ready for oil. If it just sits there, yous need higher oestrus. If it darts all over the identify, you need a lower rut.
  • Let your ingredients achieve room temperature before adding them to the pan.
  • Dry your food before cooking and pat off whatever excess moisture with a paper towel.
  • Don't move the nutrient around too much, especially meat. It needs time to brown on each side. Flipping information technology as well quickly volition cause sticking.
  • Don't overcrowd the pan. This causes a temperature drop, which releases wet from the food and leads to sticking.
  • Utilise at least a little scrap of butter or oil. Spread it evenly across the pan. Even if your pan is non-stick and requires less oil or butter, it's all-time to utilize some.

Final Thoughts

Even with the highest-quality cookware and proper cooking techniques, every bit the pan wears down, food volition inevitably stick.

Simply with these simple techniques, you can make whatsoever pan non-stick and fifty-fifty restore your non-stick pans.

To recap, here's how to make pans non-stick.

For stainless steel, heat the pan earlier calculation ane tablespoon of any cooking oil. When it starts smoking, remove the pan from rut and let it absurd completely. Remove backlog oil, and your pan is ready to go!

For making a non-stick pan not-stick again, deep clean it earlier coating canola or vegetable oil evenly over the pan. Heat the pan over medium heat for a couple of minutes before letting it absurd down completely and wiping off excess oil with a newspaper towel.

For bare cast iron pans, deep clean it start. Dry it thoroughly. Use vegetable oil or solid shortening to the pan with a make clean cloth on both the interior and exterior. Place it upside downward on a blistering tray with aluminum foil in a 350-degree oven for 1-ii hours. Turn off the oven but don't remove the pan. Let information technology absurd completely before wiping off excess oil with a cloth.

For enameled cast iron, first deep clean the pan. And so, utilise wax or paste to a cloth and spread it evenly across the interior of the pan. Place information technology in a 450-caste oven for 45 minutes. Repeat this process earlier adding another layer while the pan is all the same hot. Let the pan cool completely before washing equally normal.

If you try these methods and nonetheless take trouble with food sticking, it might be time to buy a new non-stick pan. I recommend ane with multiple layers of PTFE non-stick, such as All-Clad HA1 (view on Amazon), Fabricated In (view on, or Calphalon (view on Amazon).


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